About the Business
Your child will come to a safe, friendly, caring and open household. Your child will be given every opportunity to be involved in all types of learning and interactive activities. These could be anything from acting and role play, to cooking, arts and crafts, music or even outings to parks, playgroups, libraries and local places of interest. All activities support the new Early Years Foundation Stage guidelines set out by the government in September 2012. Weekly activities are planned and arranged to support this and to give your child the opportunity to interact with similar aged children. For the younger ones, this could be by attending mother and toddler groups/childminding groups, Rhyme time at the library, the park and soft play. For the older ones, we attend local parks and play areas after school and in school holidays offering that chance to socialise and interact with unfamiliar children from other schools.
Location & Hours
Theresa Cianciola, 156, Trapstyle Rd